Congratulations and Thank You to the following donors who have reached new heights.

New Heights for October 2012



3 Gallons

Angela Gillam

Barbara Helsel

Andrea Johnson

Alisha Stafford


4 Gallons

Patricia Andriese

Stephen Catton

Joseph Ceriani, Jr

Sandra Davis

Robert McCreath

Patricia Modine

Marianne Morse

Toshio Noguchi

Patrick Notthoff

Kristopher Payne

Steven Rafferty

Darus Trutna

Carl Willoughby


5 Gallons

Elizabeth Forrest

Susan Goodfield

Tyler Hooker

Gregory O’Leary

Rick Pelren

Fred Pepper, Jr

Harold Pidgeon

Ruben Segura

Gordon Skaggs


6 Gallons

Ruthanne Demirjyn

Robert Gross

Susan Hilton

Lois Ives

April Quiqley

Jerry Stickney

Lee Wilson


7 Gallons

Lorne Julien

Janet Maxwell

Steve Painter

Gail Pascoe

Robert Thoman, Jr

Jess Walls


8 Gallons

Robert Ayers

Arthur Bruga

Gary Lester


9 Gallons

Cheryl Bowermaster

Donald Raffaelli

David Wilson


10 Gallons

Gilbert Bartel

Anne Mostovoy

Dick Reese

Michael Tully

William Weiderman, MD


11 Gallons

Patricia Rhodes

Jeanne Wielgus


12 Gallons

Eric Almquist

Richard Knapp


13 Gallons

Elmer Steeves, Jr


14 Gallons

Lewis Call

Mark Dondero

Arthur Lange

Vincent Peloso

Todd Sobol


15 Gallons

Catherine Vanderhorst


17 Gallons

Catherine Moore


20 Gallons

John Bracklow


22 Gallons

John Christensen

Charles McCann


26 Gallons

Mack Owen


31 Gallons

James Martin


We would also like to thank the following groups that have sponsored our mobile blood drives in October, 2012

Ace Hardware - McKinleyville

Arcata Co-op

Arcata Exchange

Arcata Fire Dept -Open House

Bank of America-Fortuna

Bayshore Mall

Bayshore Mall –Premiere of Vampire Diaries

Bureau Land Management


City Hall - Eureka

Co of Del Norte Admin Center

College of the Redwoods


CR Police Academy

East High School

Eureka Mall

Fortuna CCC

Fortuna Community

General Hospital


Hoby’s Market

Hoopa High School

Humboldt Co. Probation Office

Humboldt County Courthouse

Humboldt Bay Fire Dept.

Humboldt Roller Derby

Humboldt State University

Hydesville Community Church

KCRE / KPOD Radio Station

K-Mart - McKinleyville

Mad River Hospital

McKinleyville Shopping Center

O&M Industries

Pastels on the Plaza

PG&E Power plant

Pierson’s Building Center

Ray’s Food Place - Fortuna

Ray’s Food Place - Garberville

“Prepare Redwood Coast”
Disaster Preparedness Fair

Rhoner Park

Rio Dell Community

Rite Aid - Eureka

Safeway - Arcata

Safeway - Crescent City

Safeway - Fortuna

Safeway - McKinleyville

Social Services -Koster

United Indian Health Services

Valley West

Wal-Mart - Crescent City

Wildberries Market Place


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