Congratulations and Thank You to the following donors who have reached new heights.

New Heights for February, 2012



3 Gallons

Carolann Aggeler

Lucy Barnes

Susan Bicknell

John Dixon

Lynn Dixon

Rebecca Heggum

Jeffrey Jones

Adina Kingstrom

Vicki Ozaki

Debra Pecaut


4 Gallons

Mary Bawden

Michael Conway

Sherilyn Munger

Scott Pitcairn

Wayne Roslosnik


5 Gallons

Joshua Biesecker

Lisa Harris

Robert Johnson

Fredrick Robinson


6 Gallons

Deborah Buck

Randy Wilson


7 Gallons

Robert Ayers

Daniel Barnts

Sally Kime

William Osborne


8 Gallons

Catherine Culver

Cathy Deyo

Kenneth Griffin

Marleen Hall

Doug Johnson

Melissa Miller


10 Gallons

Frank Hollyman

Dianne Reynolds


11 Gallons

Van Cook

April Joyce

Raymond Rice

George Wainwright


12 Gallons

Bruce Breckner

Robert Patton, Jr


13 Gallons

Donald Bicknell

Malcom Campbell


14 Gallons

Michael Newman

Matthew Ziesak


17 Gallons

Ray Melvin

Barbara Walser


21 Gallons

Lynn Berner

John Christensen


22 Gallons

George Niles


23 Gallons

George Ingraham, MD


25 Gallons

Eugene Joyce

Tim Toste


54 Gallons

Thomas Savage

We would also like to thank the following groups that have sponsored our mobile blood drives in February, 2012

Ace Hardware McKinleyville

Almquist Lumber

Arcata Co-Op

Arcata Exchange

Arcata High School

Arcata Open Door Clinic

Arts Arcata

Bank of America -Fortuna

Bureau Land Management

City Hall- Eureka

College of the Redwoods

Cornerstone Realty - Fortuna


Crescent City Community

Del Norte Senior Center

Eureka Community Health Center

Eureka Fire Department

Eureka Mall

Ferndale VFD

Fortuna CCC

Fortuna Community - Rhoner Park

Humboldt County Probation Office

Humboldt County Courthouse

Humboldt State University

Hydesville Community Church

K-Mart- McKinleyville

Mad River Hospital

McKinleyville Kiwanis Club

McKinleyville Shopping Center

McKinleyville Teachers Association

North Co Clinic

O & M Industries

Pierson Building Center

Rays Food Place - Garberville

Rays Food Place- Fortuna

Rio Dell Community

Rite Aid -Eureka

Safeway - Fortuna

Safeway - McKinleyville

Humb. Co. Social Services

Sunny Brae Shopping Center

Sutter Coast Hospital

United Indian Health Services


Wildberries Market


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